Enabling community participation through tailored care solutions.

The CIH Waiver serves individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities or autism who have substantial functional limitations. The waiver allows an individual to live on their own or with roommates in the community and receive staff support. They may also choose to remain living in their family home.

The CIH Waiver accomplishes the following:

  • Offers access to meaningful and necessary home and community-based services and supports
  • Seeks to implement services and supports in a manner that respects the participant’s beliefs and customs.
  • Ensures services are cost-effective.
  • Facilitates the participant’s involvement in their community.
  • Facilitates social relationships in their home, work, and communities.
  • Facilitates the participant’s independent living.

Support That Makes a Difference!

We’re here to provide compassionate care and meaningful connections. Reach out now and let’s create a personalized care plan together!